COVID-19 Impact on Fisher Heck (UPDATE)

To Our Valued Clients and Partners, 

The Coronavirus has had a major impact worldwide as well as on the American people and it’s economy.  As the World Health Organization and The President of the United States have declared a state of emergency, many businesses have had to make adjustments to this global pandemic.  

Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by it,  as we’ve been preparing for the possible need to work exclusively from home.  As of now, we’re taking the necessary precautions to protect the well-being and health of our employees and clients, by temporarily closing our physical office location.  We will now work remotely, yet we’ll continue to provide the quality of service our clients expect.  

We will have limited office presence, but you may directly call or email the principal or manager for your project.  Any scheduled in-person meetings will now be conducted via video or telephone conference until further notice.  

We’re happy to say that as of 03/18/2020 none of our employees have shown symptoms or have reported that they or a family member has tested positive for COVID-19.  

We intend to open the office again once our elected officials suggest it is safe to do so.  In the meantime, and most importantly, please keep your families and you safe and healthy.

The Fisher Heck Family

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