FH on Instagram!

Well, we have now expanded our social media footprint to Instagram! You can check out our page by clicking the last grey circle icon in the far right-hand corner of our website or by clicking on the icon below. If you already have an Instagram account, you can follow us at #fisherheck. We are going to try and post photos we wouldn't normally post on our other social media sites, many of which may or may not be architecture related. That's not to say that there won't be some overlap and careful strategic coordination with other social media postings from time to time ;). Now, since our initial interaction with the platform, we have since learned that there are some unwritten rules with posting to Instagram - rules that we have learned form the dark corners of the interwebs. Here is what we have learned so far:

  1. Unless you are a food blogger, pictures of your food are frowned upon (we've already broken this rule unfortunately)
  2. Pictures of inspirational quotes are no longer appreciated
  3. There is a limit to the length of caption people will read, so be brief
  4. Goofy and socially awkward photos are always welcome!
  5. Never post more than three photos a day
  6. Don't even think about posting screenshots or texts!
  7. A maximum of four hashtags per picture is acceptable
  8. Approach the use of filters with extreme caution
  9. Don't expect someone to follow you just because they liked one of your photos
  10. Finally, its okay to remove a picture if it doesn't receive many "likes"

If we've left any out, please let us know in the comment section below. Happy posting!

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